Friday, April 23, 2010

Dialog Heard

Nurse Rose - “Hello Fiona, you gave us quite a scare, I presume you didn’t know that you were allergic to those flowers. You are perfectly fine now and when you feel ready you are welcome to leave. Sorry I’m not here to explain everything to you properly; I had to run a very important errand. Kind Regards, Nurse Rose.”   

Councilor Jane - “Fiona, you have to understand that what you have described to me, isn’t true. You really have to come to terms with that, if not, you will never get better.”

Councilor Jane - “I don’t hear any screaming, I am taking this as a good sign. Fiona, this is your dog, you have had it since you were little… Fiona he isn’t dead, you have created that memory yourself, he was never dead. The sooner you can accept these facts, the sooner you’ll improve. I’ll leave him with you for a while.”

Fiona – “Dear Fiona, you have talked to me about the memory that you hold of yourself fainting and ending up in a hospital bed after smelling a flower. This is the flower you told me you were allergic to. I asked all your doctors and they grantee that you weren’t and still aren’t allergic to any flowers. They also told me there isn’t a hospital like you described and there isn’t a single registered nurse, in Queensland, by the name of Rose. If you don’t believe me, smell the flower. You must let these memories go, they are causing you pain. Accept the truth and move on. It’s the only way out of this facility for you. From Councilor Jane”
Fiona – “If a flower I was once severely allergic to, now fails to affect me at all, perhaps I’m invincible. I have always enjoyed having wind in my face, today I have decided to learn how to fly. I only wish to offer Councilor Jane some advice; you should have locked the door to the roof.”


A long shot of a large, well kept building is shown; the building is then seen in closer detail. The scene changes, to the inside of the building, there is a maze of corridors travelled through before settling on the closed door of a cubicle. There is a sign on the cubicle door which reads “Fiona Meer”. Inside the cubicle, a seventeen year old girl is shown sitting on her bed blankly staring at a wall. The camera zeros in on the characters eye as the scene shifts. The back of Fiona is shown as she is sitting on the ground, over her shoulder a small mound of dirt, is seen. Sticking out from the mound is a cross made out of twigs, next to it is a picture frame with a dog in it. The character silently weeps. There is a sudden change of scene. The character is at school, she is sitting alone at lunch eating a sandwich, whilst other girls move past her without looking in her direction. The scene dissolves into the inside of a church, it seems to be empty, then at the front, near the alter, the character is seen lighting a candle and praying. The next memory seen is of Fiona picking a flower from a tree. She smells the flower and begins smile. The flower she smells is now seen through her eyes. Suddenly her vision turns blurry, the perspective is now no longer hers and she is seen swaying from side to side. Everything turns black. The scene fades from black to see Fiona lying in a hospital bed, she slowly stirs awake. There is a piece of paper laying on her, once she realizes she picks it up. As the piece of paper is shown, it is read in the voice of the person who wrote it, Nurse Rose. After reading the note left for her, Fiona sits up and moves her legs over the side of the bed. A mid shot shows her sitting on the side of the bed, her elongated sigh is heard across the room. She is sitting at her desk, in her cubicle; she shuts her eyes and tips her head back. A female voice is heard, Fiona is recalling what a presumed counselor said to her. She opens her eyes, slowly shakes her head and angrily thumps the desk. The scene changes and there is a knock on the door, someone says “Fiona, your mum thought you might like to see an old friend, shall I show him in?” Fiona stops writing and looks up; a dog runs into her room. She drops her pen; her mouth falls open and looks at it bewilderedly. It is the same dog seen in her memory, the one in the picture frame next to the grave. The counselor’s voice is heard; whilst she is speaking Fiona stares at the dog as it moves around her room. The scene fades to Fiona sitting at her desk, she is staring at a flower that’s on her diary. There is a note lying next to the flower which Fiona picks up, she scans the note repeatedly as a voice is heard reading it. After the note is read she reluctantly picks up the flower and smells it. A new scene fades in, Fiona isn’t in her room and her diary is lying open on her bed, a close up of the diary shows what is written on the pages. Fiona is heard reading what is written, soft music plays as the scene dissolves. The corridor which Fiona’s cubicle is in, is walked through, after reaching Fiona’s closed cubicle door, a hand moves into the close up and takes the sign off the door.

Key Locations

Mental Institution Setting: the outside of the building has an old-fashioned design, though it has been modernized. It is well kept, with a mown lawn and clean windows. Inside, there are several large rooms. These rooms are filled with many corridors, which seem maze like. The corridors are woven around little rooms that have doors and partitioned walls, which don’t reach the ceiling. Each individual cubicle has a bed, desk and miniature wardrobe inside. The cubicles are the patient’s bedrooms.

Key Characters

Fiona Meer is a patient at a mental institution. She is seventeen years old and is a prisoner of her own mind. Fiona is extremely introverted; she never speaks and flinches at any physical contact. She has a pale complexion and is very petite. Her hair is always left out, though it never conceals her eyes. Fiona’s face is often blank and devoid of all emotion. She has large brown eyes, which glaze over when she’s staring. The only time a trace of a smile crosses her face is when she’s writing in her diary. 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Character Profile

Characters Name: Fiona Meer
Age: 16/17
Appearance ~
Height: short/average
Skin Tone: pale
Eye Colour: brown
Hair Colour: long dark brown hair.
Distinguishing Features: thin and generally very petite
Style: no particular style, nothing noticeable, it's neither good or bad
Mannerisms: has a very blank face, has a tendency to squeeze hands together
Speech Patterns: doesn't speak out loud to anyone, only speaks in her mind
Emotional Characteristics ~
What motivates this character? Fiona isn't motivated
What frightens this character? the truth *
What makes this character happy? she never is happy, nor sad, she is always devoid of all emotion (facially)
Introvert or Extrovert: extremely introverted
What is this Character’s Goal? she doesn't have any
Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes ~
Character's short-term goals in life: she doesn’t have any goals
How does Character see himself/herself? she doesn't see herself as anything
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? she doesn't
How self-confident is the character? ... *
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? she is ruled by her memories
Does the character have any prejudices? no
Additional Notes: Fiona is, by large, a two dimensional character.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Treatment Exercise

The protagonist (played by heath ledger) is chasing a villain - his lifetime archenemies. The camera is darting back and forth between the two characters during the chase. There is a dramatic build up of music. Finally, the villain is cornered as he ran into a cathedral and couldn’t find a way out in time. The protagonist is slowly walking towards the villain, telling him that he will finally suffer for his wrong doings. The music has peaked and has now reached its climax. There is a close up of the protagonists face as he walks triumphantly towards the villain. The villain is worried, though he try’s to stay calm. He is frantically looking for a way out.

Rough Story

There will only be one character seen - her name is Fiona Meer. The other characters are only spoken of (distantly) and that's in her recollections.

Fiona is in a mental institution. The whole story is based on her memories, her 'past'.

Introduction: The opening scene is the outside of a building (the mental institution). You’re taken inside, through the corridors, to the characters room. She is sitting on the bed blankly staring off into the distance. There will be a voice-over heard, and then the camera will zoom into the characters eye - (the transition into her memories).

Rising Action: The bulk of the story is when we're in her mind - her memories. There will be 6-8 memories that are all mixed together, seeing only flashes of each. The memories are; her finding her mother dead when she was 10, being hospitalized due to an allergic reaction to a certain flower, burring her dead dog, finding god (becoming religious), bullied, had no friends, hated writing, really good drawer and her mum hated her for the poor results she got in school - always telling her how stupid she was. She can't stop relieving those moments, that's what drove her to insanity. Her past is just a blur of those different things, she can't remember any long memories, only snippets of a few shorter ones.

The Climax: this will be when she finally over comes her past, she moves on. Her memories stop troubling her; she becomes more at ease, happy and less strange. Nurses think she is close to leaving the institute.

The twist in the story will be at the end. You will find out that the memories she has been recalling and living everyday for years aren't her memories at all. She has been living someone else’s life in her head.

This was my dot point list that i have built on and added in the rough details. I slowly build up from the basic stuff in my head, as it is apart of my thought process. However, this post was added to later with more detail, just in case you were wondering where it went. I know it was stupid not to make the separate post but to tell the truth i didn't even think about that.