Nurse Rose - “Hello Fiona, you gave us quite a scare, I presume you didn’t know that you were allergic to those flowers. You are perfectly fine now and when you feel ready you are welcome to leave. Sorry I’m not here to explain everything to you properly; I had to run a very important errand. Kind Regards, Nurse Rose.”
Councilor Jane - “Fiona, you have to understand that what you have described to me, isn’t true. You really have to come to terms with that, if not, you will never get better.”
Councilor Jane - “I don’t hear any screaming, I am taking this as a good sign. Fiona, this is your dog, you have had it since you were little… Fiona he isn’t dead, you have created that memory yourself, he was never dead. The sooner you can accept these facts, the sooner you’ll improve. I’ll leave him with you for a while.”
Fiona – “Dear Fiona, you have talked to me about the memory that you hold of yourself fainting and ending up in a hospital bed after smelling a flower. This is the flower you told me you were allergic to. I asked all your doctors and they grantee that you weren’t and still aren’t allergic to any flowers. They also told me there isn’t a hospital like you described and there isn’t a single registered nurse, in Queensland , by the name of Rose. If you don’t believe me, smell the flower. You must let these memories go, they are causing you pain. Accept the truth and move on. It’s the only way out of this facility for you. From Councilor Jane”
Fiona – “If a flower I was once severely allergic to, now fails to affect me at all, perhaps I’m invincible. I have always enjoyed having wind in my face, today I have decided to learn how to fly. I only wish to offer Councilor Jane some advice; you should have locked the door to the roof.”