Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First Analytical Task - The Aviator

This film is called The Aviator and belongs in the historical genre. It is about Howard Hughes and how he achieves breaking the speed record. The Mise-en-scene in this scene was well done. This film is a good example of its genre as it is historically accurate and uses effective Mise-en-scene.

It’s set in mid day/afternoon, which creates the lighting that’s necessary to suit the mood and story line. The environment is isolated and barren; this allows the small group of characters to look more important as they are the only ones there. The main characters advisor is nervous and a bit worried, though Howard Hughes shrugs off his worries and is really joyous. The acting is very good and Leonardo does a great job. Howard is depicted as he is meant to be, and the group of spectators look excited/amazed when they’re meant to. The stopwatches are important to this scene; they’re in numerous shots. The main character comes across as cocky and just jumps in the plane without any protective gear, this is another example of Leonardo’s good acting.

I have done this whole thing incorrectly. It is sadly that wrong, it can't be fixed. Since doing this, i have learnt how to do it properly. I will now tell you the many things wrong about this piece of writing. 
- The introduction does not outline what I'm going to be talking about.
- I didn't make define points, it's all just different thoughts stuck together.
- I am lacking two more body paragraphs and a conclusion.
- It was impossible to write a conclusion as i didn't have any points.
- I did not cover what i needed to when talking about Mis-en-scene. 
- It doesn't even read well. It's just stop and start.
Well they were just some of the things wrong with it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Editing Analysis

We just watched the trailers of Star Wars and Star Wars episode three in creative media. The first trailer was boring and fake due to the poorly executed cinematography. I understand that it was made along time ago but the monotone narrator wasn't necessary. It just made the trailer incredibly slow moving and dull. Kiss scenes are meant to be dramatic, however, even this was pathetically done in the first trailer. The music didn't change and had no climax.

However, the second trailer we watched was a lot more advanced in every aspect. The music built up in certain parts, adding a dramic effect to the scenes. Also all the characters were speaking and telling the story instead of the narrator mumbling everything. The cinematography was well exictuted, and amazing for it time. Over all the graphics were better in the third episode trailer. The edits in the second trailer made it look more professional and complete. The story was told in a interesting way and made you want to watch it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Genre Recipe - My Story

*My genre recipe isn't set out in the way Mr Andrews is, mine is more of a story.*

There’s a normal suburban house, in a very ordinary neighborhood. In the beginning a camera walks through a house, in to the basement and through the floor. Introduced, at the start, is a huge network of under ground tunnels connecting to all the houses. This is not the sewage network but one completely different, this was intentionally made.
At night underneath a bridge, a group of cloaked people meet. On the bridge is a creepy kid about fifteen. This kid knows about ‘the cloaked’ which is what everyone from this district calls them. They are not the average folk, they a mysterious group filled with escaped mental patients, murders and led by a psychopath. No one but this boy knows what they’re really about. This movie follows the story of this young boy; he is made out to be the hero.
The boy witnesses numerous gruesome deaths of the town’s people. The town’s people live in constant fear that they are next. The ‘cloaked’ only operate at night though during the day they fit in to normal society, they have jobs, friends and families. This is what makes them so scary, no one knows who is a ‘cloaked’.
People are always collected from their houses and taken underground, where they’re never seen again. Everyone in the town hears their screams (as sound carries throughout the tunnel). When they come for you, the footsteps are heard, there is no hiding. One day the father of the boy goes through the tunnel connecting to his house (which he has known about for ages, ever since his son discovered it) the man finds a massive freezer underground his house. He had asked his closest friends (that he knew weren’t ‘cloaked’) if they had found huge freezers underneath their houses. Half of them didn’t even know where their houses connections to the tunnels were, let alone what was in their tunnel. There weren’t many in the town that had located their houses connection (every house in the town had one).
Every murder that is seen is through the boys eyes. The victims are pulled apart, in a way to suggest that there parts are being used.
The last seen of the movie is of the boy standing in the freezer admiring the collection of body parts of the towns folk, he is the ‘cloaks’ psychopathic leader.

Copy Righted by Miranda Amey

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

List of Ingredients

The ingredients i used are purple.
Characters: teenagers, murderers, police, victims, family/relatives, weird/spooky kids, hero, trader, klutz.

Isolation: no network, going crazy

Weapon/device: poison, barbwire, massive knife, claws, gas, fists, needle, axe, saw, cross bow, torture chamber, shared of glass.

Setting/locations: raining, night, deserted hotel, mansion, middle of nowhere, boat, crop field, dark ally way, secret room, graveyard and castle.

Enemies/villains- all round bad stuff: monster, rapist, escaped mental patient, supernatural, infected creatures, psycho, stalker.