Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First Analytical Task - The Aviator

This film is called The Aviator and belongs in the historical genre. It is about Howard Hughes and how he achieves breaking the speed record. The Mise-en-scene in this scene was well done. This film is a good example of its genre as it is historically accurate and uses effective Mise-en-scene.

It’s set in mid day/afternoon, which creates the lighting that’s necessary to suit the mood and story line. The environment is isolated and barren; this allows the small group of characters to look more important as they are the only ones there. The main characters advisor is nervous and a bit worried, though Howard Hughes shrugs off his worries and is really joyous. The acting is very good and Leonardo does a great job. Howard is depicted as he is meant to be, and the group of spectators look excited/amazed when they’re meant to. The stopwatches are important to this scene; they’re in numerous shots. The main character comes across as cocky and just jumps in the plane without any protective gear, this is another example of Leonardo’s good acting.

I have done this whole thing incorrectly. It is sadly that wrong, it can't be fixed. Since doing this, i have learnt how to do it properly. I will now tell you the many things wrong about this piece of writing. 
- The introduction does not outline what I'm going to be talking about.
- I didn't make define points, it's all just different thoughts stuck together.
- I am lacking two more body paragraphs and a conclusion.
- It was impossible to write a conclusion as i didn't have any points.
- I did not cover what i needed to when talking about Mis-en-scene. 
- It doesn't even read well. It's just stop and start.
Well they were just some of the things wrong with it.

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