Thursday, September 9, 2010

What I Could Have Done Better With My Sound

Some transitions between loops could have been created/changed to sound a lot better than they did. Most where acceptable but one or two, I could never get quite right; however I gave it my best shot. I’m not the most musical person around so the sound was a little difficult in that regards. Nonetheless, garage band was created for people who have no musical ability, so that made my life a little easier. I could always hear if something sounded wrong, but I didn’t always know exactly how to change it straight away as I might if I were more musical, I just kept playing with it, changing loops and transition until it sounded better. The biggest thing I could have done better is that I could have finished it quicker in general, instead of wasting the couple of lessons I did at the beginning. With those extra couple of lesson I could have been less stressed at the end, had more help to develop and better my final sound track. So time management is something I still need to do better. With using Finalcut I learnt how to do things more effectively, this I tried to apply to garage band; however it wasn’t until later on that I got to doing things more efficiently.

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