Monday, August 9, 2010

Reflection- Music

We have had an introduction lesson in garage band this week. In the lesson we started using garage band, it is pretty easy to use and i believe i will be able to make an alright soundtrack. As a class we have talked about what type of music suits different types of films. Next lesson i will go through the different sounds and get a rough idea of where i want each sound. Mr Andrews has showed me how to put my film into Garage Band so that i can see where I'm putting in the different sounds. I find garage Band easier to use than Final Cut; however, I'm not really musically orientated, so it might turn out a bit of a mess. In terms of sound, I'm going to have a lot of piano as different loops can be put together seamlessly where as if you're constantly changing between different instruments, it could start to look very messy, really quickly. Some of the different loops of piano that i have put in my favourites and am considering using, have either a erie, happy or sad feel to them. I'm going to decided which pieces of music i want to include and where before i put together my introduction. This is because i have been told that an introduction, should introduce the more frequently used loops that will appear throughout the film.

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